Final Fantasy is a series of games, movies, and other media based on a fantasy world in which the players must cultivate magical powers and fight one another. The first Final Fantasy game was released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) in 2007 in both North America and Japan, 30 years after its original release on the NES. PSP allows gamers to take Final Fantasy with them on the road so they can play anytime they want without needing the TV, computer, or an electrical socket. The original 1987 story remains unchanged; however, the artwork, graphics, and characters were updated for the anniversary Final Fantasy edition for PSP. Players are also able to explore more landscapes in the re-released PSP version than they originally could in the original NES release. There are four game modes in the Final Fantasy video game. Use the overworld map, the dungeon map, your battle screen, and the menu screen to navigate the fantasy world, and use the tools you need to beat the enemy and join with your warrior comrades. Players can choose whether to play a character that falls under one of six categories including Fighter, Thief, Black Belt, Red Mage, White Mage, or Black Mage. Depending on which character you choose, your character’s abilities and experiences will convert differently, giving you different types of spells, attacks, and characteristics that will help your team through the Final Fantasy world. The more in-game experience your character has, the higher his or her abilities will become. These abilities involve fighting actions that use Attack or Magic from the game menu or Items that perform certain functions. Fights continue until one winner remains standing or the opponents flee to save their health. Players’ characters are portrayed on the right half of the screen, while enemies are pictured on the left. Final Fantasy for PSP is a classic video game that people of all ages have played, enjoyed, and experienced in some form. The original game still holds charm for modern video game players, and it is an essential first step in the long line of popular Final Fantasy video games, movies, television shows, and comic paraphernalia